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The psychological impact of epilepsy on caregivers


Is there a problem?

We often face children having seizures. Epilepsy is one of the most common, long-term conditions in children and young people. 1 in 240 0-16-year-olds in the UK have epilepsy, and it is a major cause for admissions to hospital. Epilepsy can present alone or alongside other neurological conditions.

The term ‘epilepsy’ covers a range of seizure types, requiring treatments that vary between individuals.

Are we missing something?

When a child presents with seizures, our focus is on delivering lifesaving emergency treatment. When the child is our priority, we may forget the impact of their condition on the carers. How often do we make time for caregivers to express their concerns about their well-being? I have been guilty of this, and often think, ‘They are such an amazing carer and really on top of things’. I have been assuming this to be true without ever asking.

It’s not just the patient

Parents and carers may look after a child with additional complex health needs. They may have other children or family members to care for. Have you ever thought about the strain this may put them under? For the children with complex needs that I care for, I often wonder about this. But what good is a thought if I do nothing about it?

We all understand the time pressures in the emergency department, but how long does it take to ask a caregiver about their concerns and well-being? Starting that conversation in the ED can significantly impact the caregiver’s well-being and the child’s overall care.

His name is Bobby – a 6-year-old boy child with epilepsy and a severe neurological disability. Bobby presents regularly with increasing seizures when unwell. His caregiver reports multiple short seizures at home, causing distress and lack of sleep.

They have not had time to call their specialist epilepsy nurse and appear worried. The seizures have stopped before arrival and do not require additional medications.

He needs admission to the ward for treatment of a chest infection. You ask his carer: ‘How are you? How is everything at home?’. They start to cry and state no one has asked them in such a long time. They begin to explain the impact Bobby’s epilepsy is having on their health and well-being.

So, why does epilepsy have such an impact on the psychological well-being of caregivers?

Lack of information

Epilepsy can present many challenges to daily life. For caregivers, accessing information and resources can be difficult. There is a strong correlation between caring for a child with epilepsy and neurological disability and depression, anxiety and PTSD. 50% of those caring for a child with epilepsy are at risk of psychological ill-health.

Many caregivers want information on:

However, caregivers feel at risk of stigmatisation from healthcare professionals when asking for information. They worry that they may be seen as ‘difficult’ or ‘challenging’ when questioning their child’s care. As a result, it can take longer to feel confident enough to ask questions and gain control over their child’s health.


Children with epilepsy and neurological disabilities often suffer from interrupted school life. Only 32% of children with epilepsy have personalized school care plans.

Few people in mainstream schools understand epilepsy compared to additional needs schools, and parents want schools to improve their knowledge on both seizure management and how the condition can impact their child’s developmental and emotional health.

A 2021 study found caregivers would like support from healthcare professionals providing information to schools.

Quality of life and mortality

Children with epilepsy have a lower health-related quality of life compared to other long-term health conditions. They also have an increased risk of ill health due to seizure-related injuries, side effects of medication and co-morbidities.

Risks associated with seizures are common and greater for those with associated co-morbidities.


  • Epilepsy-related injury (soft tissue injury, fractures, lacerations, burns, head injury)
  • Epilepsy-related death (10x greater risk of drowning, Sudden Unexplained Death in EPilepsy – SUDEP))

SUDEP is the highest cause of epilepsy-related death worldwide. It is often unwitnessed and may occur when the child is asleep. There is a strong correlation between increased risk of SUDEP and epileptic children who sleep prone.

International data found that 90% of caregivers wanted more information on epilepsy-related risks – including injuries and death but only 31% were provided with it by healthcare professionals.

What can we do to help?

Ask – If we do not ask, we cannot help. You may be thinking – isn’t this a conversation their specialist nurse or neurologist should be having? They may only see their specialist team once every 6 months. Often, those consultations are filled with other issues.

Start a conversation – We may not address every concern, but we can help caregivers to reach out to their specialist team and signpost them to reliable sources of information.

Epilepsy specialist nurse – We should encourage caregivers to email/call their specialist nurse for advice and support. Paediatric emergency clinicians can also email the child’s specialist team to highlight their attendance in the department. Multidisciplinary communication is key.

Signposting – There are lots of fantastic resources for caregivers that provide up-to-date information on epilepsy. These resources also provide support networks for caregivers to connect:

Finally… a take-home message

I asked an epilepsy specialist nurse what advice she would give clinicians when speaking with caregivers.

“Have respect for the caregivers. They know their child best and become experts of their epilepsy. Take the time to listen to their concerns. If they are telling you something is wrong– it probably is!. Always speak to the child, even if they cannot speak back, they still understand. We must be advocates for children with neurological disabilities and epilepsy”.

Selected Resources

Epilepsy Action:

Young Epilepsy:

Child Brain Injury Trust:

Epilepsy Society:


Bertinat A, Kerr M, Cramer J, Braga P. Living safely with epilepsy: a key learning review. Epileptic Disorders. 2020; 22(4): 364-380. DOI:

Epilepsy in Action. Facts and statistics. 2022. Available from:

Henning O, Nakked K, Lossius M. People with epilepsy and their relatives want more information about risks of injuries and premature death. Epilepsy and Behaviour. 2018; 82; 6-10. DOI:

Johnson E, Atkinson P, Muggeridgea A, Cross Hm, Reilly C. Epilepsy in schools: Views on educational and therapeutic provision, understanding of epilepsy and seizure management. Epilepsy & Behavior. 2021;122: 1-11. DOI:

Jokobsen A, Moller R, Nikanorovaa M, Elklitb A. The impact of severe pediatric epilepsy on experienced stress and psychopathology in parents. Epilepsy and Behaviour. 2020; 113:1-6. DOI:

Kossarova L, Cheung R, Hargreaves D, Keeble E. Admissions of inequality: emergency hospital use for children and young people. 2017. Available from:

Mesraoua B, Deleu D, Hassan A, Gayane M, Lubna A, Ali M, Tomson T, Khalil B, Cross J, & Asadi-Pooya A. Dramatic outcomes in epilepsy: depression, suicide, injuries, and mortality. Current Medical Research and Opinion. 2020; 26(9):1473-1480. DOI:

Nevin S, Wakefield C, Schilstra C, McGill B, Bye A, Palmer E. The information needs of parents of children with early-onset epilepsy: A systematic review. Epilepsy and Behaviour. 2021; 112: 1-9. DOI:

Pokharel R, Poudel P, Lama S, Thapa K, Sigdel R, Shrestha E. Burden and Its Predictors among Caregivers of Patients with Epilepsy. Journal of Epilepsy Research. 2020;10(1):24-30. DOI:

Rani A, Thomas P. Stress and perceived stigma among parents of children with epilepsy. Neurological Sciences. 2019; 40:1363–1370. DOI:

Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health. Epilepsy12 – national organisational audit and clinical audit – 2021. Available from:

Tedrus G, Pereira R, Zoppib M. Epilepsy, stigma, and family. Epilepsy & Behaviour. 2018; 78: 265-268. DOI:


  • Holly is a Paediatric Sister who specialises in Emergency Care and Critical Care Outreach, based in London. She is passionate about nursing education and development, and is a student in the QMUL DFTB MSc. She loves cooking, travelling, dungarees and her dog Maisie. She/her.

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