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Take Time to CARE about Young People with Eating Disorders

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Eating disorders [ED] can have devastating effects on the lives of young people and their families. The patient journey is isolating and often characterised by a lack of insight into their frailty. Sadly, EDs can be under-recognised and undertreated, with many opportunities to intervene missed. The mnemonic CARE (Consider, Ask, Risk assess, Everyone) may aid the recognition and risk assessment whilst encouraging holistic support of young people with eating disorders and their families. This year, new Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders was published in the UK – take a look at our post to learn how you can incorporate this guidance into your practice.

1. Consider the diagnosis

Always consider the diagnosis of an ED in a young person with weight loss. They are common; a large systematic review of 94 studies from 2000-2018 estimated the lifetime prevalence of eating disorders to be around 8.4% for cisgender females and 2.2% for cisgender males.  They are also prevalent among transgender young people. More than 50% of those affected go on to develop a chronic illness. The effect of the coronavirus pandemic on societies, families and individuals has worsened the prevalence and severity of EDs, with a doubling in the number of both urgent and routine referrals in the UK.

EDs have the highest mortality of any psychiatric illness (from suicide or medical complications). They are characterised by abnormal eating (dieting) or weight-control behaviours (purging, exercising), which can significantly impair social functioning. The physical effects of starvation affect all organs and are potentially life-threatening if not recognised and treated appropriately.

Presentation to EDs can be highly variable. For example, in cisgender males, the focus may be on being muscular, whilst in cisgender females, weight loss may be the primary goal. Transgender young people may experience distress with their bodies and engage in behaviours designed to accentuate the features of their desired gender. We must ensure that EDs are diagnosed and treatment offered to all young people affected.

Several factors may contribute to the difficulty in diagnosing EDs. They are often stigmatised, making it difficult for young people to discuss them. Moreover, young people may feel that their weight loss is the only thing they can control, so can be unwilling to be open about it or engage in treatment to stop it. Many do not even view it as a problem and can present with non-eating related symptoms, such as syncope, amenorrhoea, fatigue, or constipation.

NICE recommends that diagnosis and referral occur at the earliest opportunity. The earlier the recognition, the better chance of recovery.

2. Ask about eating issues

Communication with a young person with an ED has the potential to be particularly sensitive. There may be significant barriers to the patient opening up and accepting their family’s and clinician’s concerns.

The HEEADSSS assessment is a good place to start. This structure offers opportunities to establish rapport, engage with the young person and appreciate the eating issues within their wider social context. Here are some examples of questions that you could ask.

Does your weight or body shape cause you any stress?

Have there been any recent changes in your weight?

Does your weight affect the way you feel about yourself?

Have you ever done anything to try and manage your weight?

Tell me about your exercise regime.

Do you spend lots of time thinking about your weight and what you eat?

3. Risk Assess

Clinicians should undertake a comprehensive risk assessment for patients with a suspected eating disorder. The Junior MARSIPAN guidelines have been to risk-stratify patients. and these have now been incorporated into NICE NG69 guidance.

This includes measuring height and weight, calculating the BMI and % median BMI. Orthostatic blood pressure and heart rate measurements, an electrocardiogram and blood tests including electrolytes are also checked to assess for the physical effects of starvation. The presence of mental health problems associated with EDs should be screened for, including substance use and suicidality.

Young people may experience significant anxiety when having their weight taken. Ask them to step backwards on the scales (so they can’t see their weight), after having a wee and first thing in the morning when possible. This “blind weighing” can help to decrease anxiety and improve treatment responsivity.

The red flags for same-day acute hospital admission (as per the Junior MARSIPAN guidelines) are as follows:

–  BMI <70% median BMI for age
–  Weight loss >1kg/week 
–  Pulse < 40 bpm
–  Blood pressure <80/60 mmHg
–  Syncope
–  Prolonged QTc
–  Abnormal bloods (Hb <90, WCC < 2.0, K+ < 3.0, Glucose < 2.5, LFTS > 2 x normal)

Much public debate has been about people not receiving support services because their weight wasn’t low enough. The impact of the false reassurance of a single measure (such as BMI) can lead to a patient feeling dismissed or, perversely, cause them to target that as a goal for their weight loss. Fortunately, NICE guidelines now explicitly state that a single measure such as BMI should not determine whether or not treatment should be offered.

4. Everyone is involved

It is essential to signpost families to support, as eating disorders can quickly take over the lives of patients and their families. Communication should be empathetic and compassionate as family members often feel guilty and responsible for the onset of the ED or not seeking help sooner.

When assessing a young person with a suspected ED, clinicians should find out what the family know about EDs. They can then provide education and address misconceptions. Carers may also experience severe distress and may need treatment themselves. Holistic support should be offered, and the value of family-based therapy (FBT) is reflected in some of the NICE NG69 recommendations.

Several charitable organisations in the UK provide online support for patients and their families. BEAT and SEED, which contain several free and easy-to-read leaflets, are particularly useful.


It is always important to consider and screen for eating disorders. This should be done with empathy and sensitivity. Risk stratification and referral can be undertaken using Junior MARSIPAN and NICE NG69 guidance. Referrals should be made early and not delayed based solely on BMI or appearance.

Selected references

Froreich, F.V., Ratcliffe, S.E. & Vartanian, L.R. Blind versus open weighing from an eating disorder patient perspective. J Eat Disord. 2020; 8: 39.

Galmiche M, Déchelotte P, Lambert G, et al.  Prevalence of eating disorders over the 2000-2018 period: a systematic literature review. Am J Clin Nutr.. 2019; 109(5), 1402-1413

Jones BA, Haycraft E, Murjan S, et al. Body dissatisfaction and disordered eating in trans people: A systematic review of the literature. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2016;28(1):81-94.

Klein DA, Goldering JM, Adelman WP. HEEADSSS 3.0: the psychosocial interview for adolescents updated for a new century fueled by media. Contemp Pediatr 2014:1–16

Marikar D, Reynolds S, Moghraby OS. Junior MARSIPAN (Management of Really Sick Patients with Anorexia Nervosa). Archives of Disease in Childhood – Education and Practice 2016;101:140-143.

McKnight R, Boughton N. A patient’s journey. Anorexia nervosa. BMJ. 2009; 339 :b3800

NICE. Eating disorders: recognition and treatment. NICE guidelines [NG69]. 2020. Accessed online at

Petkova H, Simic M, Nicholls D, et al. Incidence of anorexia nervosa in young people in the UK and Ireland: a national surveillance study. BMJ Open. 2019;9(10):e027339

Solmi F, Downs JL, Nicholls DE. COVID-19 and eating disorders in young people. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2021; 5(5): 316-318

Treasure J. A guide to the medical risk assessment for eating disorders. King’s College London; South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, 2012. Accessed online at  

Treasure J, Duarte TA, Schmidt U. Eating disorders. Lancet.2020; 395: 899 – 911

Thompson D. Top tips: eating disorders. Guidelines in practice. 2019. Accessed online at

Vitagliano JA, Jhe G, Milliren CE, et al. COVID-19 and eating disorder and mental health concerns in patients with eating disorders. J Eat Disord. 2021; 9: 80


  • Owen Hibberd is an Emergency Medicine Clinical Fellow in Cambridge. He is proud to be one of the first alumni of the QMUL PEM MSc. He is interested in Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine and Medical Education. Outside work, he enjoys boxing (although he isn't very good at it) and walking his two chihuahuas, Rose and Willow (team name - Rolo). He/him.

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  • Dani Hall is a PEM consultant in Dublin, member of the DFTB executive team and senior clinical lecturer on the Queen Mary University of London and DFTB PEM MSc. Dani is passionate about advocating for children and young people, and loves good coffee, a good story and her family. She/her.

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  • Órla Walsh is an Adolescent Medicine and General Paediatrician with a special interest in adolescents with eating disorders and chronic illnesses including obesity. Keen to build on the work of paediatricians and promote adolescent health at all levels. Loves tea and chocolate, and walks on the beach. She/her.

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