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Editorial Policy



None of the Don’t Forget The Bubbles Limited, ABN 20 000 005 854, or any of its agents will have any liability in any way arising from information or advice that is contained in the website, Don’t Forget The Bubbles (DFTB) . The statements or opinions that are expressed in DFTB reflect the views of the individual authors and do not represent the opinions or policies of Don’t Forget The Bubbles Ltd unless otherwise stated. Don’t Forget The Bubbles is intended for healthcare professionals only.

DFTB is committed to publishing high quality, evidence-based content.

Journal Aims

We are COLLABORATIVE – We work together.

We are a trusted and recognisable leader in the Paediatric Acute Care community. 
We work together and our collaborators are excited and energised to work with our team.
We partner with organisations that want to work with DFTB as our reach, community, and delivery enhances their message and goals. 

We are PIONEERING – We break new ground.

We are breaking new ground as an instinctive ‘by the bedside’ source of practical, pragmatic science- and evidence-based knowledge.
Our events are a place for innovation, pushing interprofessional, environmental and socially responsible boundaries.

We are COMMUNITY-FOCUSEDWe support each other.

Everybody involved in contributing to DFTB feels valued and connected to each other, and united in the work and vision.
Our events are a focus for our community, balancing the art and science of medicine.

We are EVIDENCE-BASED – We trust in science.

We are aware of our responsibilities for the quality, accuracy and accessibility as a trusted and recognisable leader in the Paediatric Acute Care community.
We trust in science and translate knowledge from theoretical papers to practical application.

Roles and Responsibilities of Authors, Contributors, Reviewers, Editors, Publishers, and Owners


DFTBs definition of authorship is based on that of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and encompasses the following FOUR criteria:

1.   Substantial contributions to the concept and design of the article, or analysis and interpretation of data
2.   Drafting of the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content
3.   Final approval of the version to be published
4.   Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the article in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the article are appropriately investigated and resolved

Conditions 1, 2, 3 AND 4 must all be met to qualify as an author, and each author must be prepared to take public responsibility for the article.

Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest

Competing interests

DFTB asks all authors, peer reviewers and editors to declare all relevant competing interests. Perceptions of conflict of interest are as important as actual conflicts of interest

Declaring a conflict of interest is not an expression of wrongdoing. Competing interests may be unavoidable. Rather than eliminating them we feel that we need to know about them as part of the DFTB decision-making process

A competing interests statement should advise readers of any personal financial or non-financial interests held by each author that might be perceived to influence, or potentially influence, the article. These include:

relevant competing interests for your submitted article

relevant financial activities outside the submitted article in the 36 months before submission,

– intellectual property, including patents and copyrights, and

– other relevant relationships not covered above. 

If there are no conflicts, please write “Competing interests: No relevant disclosures“.


  • Please acknowledge any funding sources for the work, and outline their role in the planning, writing or publication of the work
  • Please acknowledge anyone who contributed to the article and who does not meet the above Authorship criteria 1, 2, 3 and 4. Any person named in your. It is the responsibility of the principal author to obtain permission to acknowledge individuals; if permission is not obtained, the names cannot be published.

Responsibilities in the Submission and Peer-Review Process

Confidentiality and Patient Consent

  • Patient anonymity must be preserved, and identifying information should not be published.
  • All manuscript submissions, in which living or deceased patients are described and there is any possibility of identification in the text or images, even if this is just by the patient/s themselves or health care staff who have looked after the patient, must include a signed statement from the patient/s (or their next-of-kin or legal guardian) giving approval for the publication of the personal or identifying material. This approval must be dated within 18 months of the time of submission and must be signed by the patient, guardian or next-of-kin. Verbal consent is not acceptable.


DFTB and the editorial board endeavour to publish all submitted material in a timely manner. An initial editorial decision will be provided to the lead author/s within TWO WEEKS of receiving the article. Once accepted and any revisions made any given post will be published within THREE MONTHS, unless an alternative publication date has been requested by the author/s.

Publication schedule

Posts are published TWICE a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays bar circumstances beyond the control of DFTB Ltd.

Peer Review Process

All posts are reviewed by a named editor AND the editor-in-chief. If it is felt to be beyond the purview of such individuals then a content matter expert will be contacted and their opinion sought as to the suitability of the article.

Should an article be submitted by a member of the editorial board it will be reviewed by at least two other members of the board with the addition of content matter review as needed.

Diversity and Inclusion

DFTB is committed to the core principles of diversity and inclusion, allowing voices from all healthcare workers to be heard. With this in mind DFTB has commissioned research on the role of gender in paediatric leadership and champions inclusion in all of their educational endeavours. Understanding the core tenet of “Nothing about us, without us“, DFTB seeks to include the voices of those with lived experience of the conditions and matters covered on Don’t Forget The Bubbles.

Journal Metrics

DFTB Ltd collates data around page views and time on page via Google Analytics. Each post is identified via a unique DOI. Altmetric scores are also available for each post/article. As Almetric scores are collated prospectively, they are only available for those articles published after June 2016.


All articles are stored on in perpetuity with the date of first publication and date of update visible on the website.

Publishing and Editorial Issues Related to Publication

Corrections, Retractions, Republications, and Version Control

Though Don’t Forget The Bubbles (DFTB) employs a rigorous peer review process to ensure that we publish high-quality articles, we are occasionally required to investigate a published article because of suggested error.

Retractions will be considered in cases in which there is evidence of:

  • plagiarism: including unacknowledged copying of the published or unpublished ideas, thoughts, or other intellectual property of third parties;

    misrepresentation of authorship: including the exclusion of contributors who met our authorship criteria,

    inclusion as authors of persons who did not meet our authorship criteria

    submission of multi-authored manuscripts without the knowledge and approval of all authors
  • any other reason that causes the DFTB editorial staff to have doubts about the veracity, completeness, or acceptability of the article.

If misconduct is alleged or other concerns are raised about a published article, the DFTB Editor-in-Chief will initiate its assessment. DFTB acknowledges that each case of error may also need to be separately investigated by other relevant stakeholders. 

Scientific Misconduct, Expressions of Concern, and Retraction


All authors are asked to transfer copyright to Don’t Forget The Bubbles Ltd before their article is published by Don’t Forget The Bubbles (DFTB). Accepted articles should not be published elsewhere, either in part, or in entirety, without the express permission of Don’t Forget The Bubbles Ltd.

Duplicate Submission

Don’t Forget The Bubbles (DFTB) does not publish material which has been published in its entirety elsewhere.

DFTB follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations and guidelines and the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (joint statement by COPE, DOAJ, WAME, and OASPA).

Authors should not simultaneously submit the same manuscript to any other journal. 

Presentation of a study at a meeting or publication of an abstract does not preclude subsequent publication in DFTB, If sufficient advance notice is given, DFTB may be able to coordinate the publication of a manuscript with its presentation at a conference. This option should be discussed with the Editor.


All correspondence should be direct to


In the principle of Free Open Access to Medical Education (FOAMed), DFTB Ltd does not charge fees for publication of educational content. Should DFTB Ltd be commissioned to create graphics or material then a clear statement to this effect will be placed on said material. No advertising material, other than that related to Don’t Forget The Bubbles Ltd is to be shown on the website,


All content on is provided free to the end user with the exception of content provided via

Manuscript Preparation and Submission

General Principles


We use UK-English for the website. So use pAEdiatrics not pEdiatrics. The exception to this is when citing American agencies or sources that have alternate spellings in the title

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health BUT American Academy of Pediatrics
Capitalisation NOT capitalization


Unfortunately DFTB is only able to accept English-language articles a at this time.

Gender pronouns

DFTB prefers the gender neutral pronoun they/their in the body of the text. DFTB are an inclusive organization but recognise that sometimes we may get it wrong. No offence is meant by this and any changes will be made within 48 HOURS of them being requested.


Any references are to be provided in the Vancouver style – this should be done both in-line and at the end of the document.

Illustrations (Figures)

Where possible all illustrations should be original to the article. Permission and attribution is required for all illustrations or figures from an alternate source. All illustrations created by Don’t Forget The Bubbles are freely usable under the Creative Commons Attribution.

Units of Measurement

DFTB uses the metric system or the International System (SI) of Units were appropriate.

Abbreviations and Symbols

All abbreviations must be spelled out in the first instance in order to avoid confusion.

Submitting a paper to DFTB

Articles either in the form or op-eds, original research, short-cut narrative reviews or summaries of recent research may be submitted either via electronic correspondence to or via completion of a confidential electronic form, found here.

Editorial Board


Dr Andrew Tagg – BSc, MBBS, MRCSEd, FACEM

  • Co-Founder DFTB
  • Emergency Physician Footscray Hospital
  • Paediatric Emergency Physician, Sunshine Hospital
  • Senior Clinical Lecturer, Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne
  • Senior Clinical Lecturer, Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne


Dr Tessa Davis – BSc (Hons), MBChB, MA, MRCPCH, FRACP (Gen Paeds), FRACP (PEM), FHEA

  • Co-Founder DFTB
  • Royal London Hospital, London, UK
  • Queen Mary University of London, London, UK


  • Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin, Crumlin, Ireland
  • Queen Mary University of London, London, UK

Ms Rebecca Platt – BEM, BA(Hons), RN(Child), MSc

  • Royal London Hospital, London, UK
  • Queen Mary University of London, London, UK

Dr Katherine Priddis – BSc MBBS MRCPCH

  • Watford General Hospital, West Herts NHS Trust, Watford, UK
  • Queen Mary University of London, London, UK

Professor Damian Roland – BMedSci BMBS FRPCH PhD

  • Paediatric Emergency Medicine Leicester Academic (PEMLA) Group, Children’s Emergency Department, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, UK
  • SAPPHIRE Group, Health Sciences, Leicester University, Leicester, UK.
  • Clinical Lead National PEWS project, SPOT Programme Board, NHS England, RCPCH & RCN
  • Immediate Past Chair, Paediatric Emergency Research United Kingdom and Ireland (PERUKI)

Editor of Bubble Wrap

– a monthly critique of recently published literature.

Dr Vicki Currie – MBChB,MRCPCH, PGCertMedED

  • Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

Editor of Bubble Wrap Plus

– a monthly collation of recently published literature, submitted without commentary.

Dr Anke Raaijmakers – MD, PhD 

  • Department of Pediatrics, ZNA Hospitals Antwerp campus Jan Palfijn, Antwerp, Belgium.
  • Department of Pediatrics, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.



Graduation from NICU

NICU graduation to PICU

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Assault Module HEADER

Major Trauma – Injuries by Assault

Copy of Trial (1)

The 88th Bubble Wrap x Chesterfield GP Training group

Ovarian torsion HEADER

Ovarian Torsion

Leprosy HEADER



Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage

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Copy of Trial (1)

The 87th Bubble Wrap

Copy of Trial (1)

Bubble Wrap PLUS – January 2025

Don't Forget Bubble Wrap HEADER

Don’t Forget to Bubble Wrap

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Communicat8 HEADER

Communic8: Eight Universal Leadership Lessons from the Children’s Emergency Department

Gender Diverse HEADER

Ten Things My Gender-Diverse Child Taught Me: Confessions of a Slow-To-Catch-On Paediatrician

Resurgence HEADER

The resurgence of vaccine preventable infections: Measles and Pertussis

Weaning Sedation HEADER

Weaning Sedation in Paediatric Intensive Care

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Copy of Trial (1)

Bubble Wrap PLUS – December 2024

Copy of Trial (1)

The 86th Bubble Wrap x Aghia Sophia Children’s ED