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Practice made perfect?


Okay, perhaps  not perfect but we think these bite sized chunks of simulation from Children’s Health Queensland are pretty good! They are free to download and play with. You can find access to all current OPTIMUS resources here. Enjoy!


Introducing BONUS – A Bank of Independently Useful Sims




What are they?

OPTIMUS BONUS is an ongoing project driven by Children’s Health Queensland involving the creation of simulation education packages on topics in paediatric resuscitation.  Each package contains;

  • An introduction by an expert explaining why the topic is important.
  • A simulation with clear learning objectives, instructions and hints for debriefing.
  • Pre-reading resources for participants. These are fun and easy to read resources including podcasts, videos, guidelines and apps.
  • An infographic summarising the topic. QR codes on the posters link to Just In Time Training resources including videos and guidelines.  Just point the camera on your smart phone at the poster and a link will appear to the website to see the video.


Who writes them?

The STORK team (Simulation Training Optimising Resuscitation in Kids) from Children’s Health Queensland provides simulation based education throughout Queensland.  We provide two courses as part of our OPTIMUS curriculum; Optimus CORE (for first responders) and Optimus PRIME (for mid phase care while awaiting retrieval).


 Why did we make them?


What we love about them

  • They’re free to download, expert reviewed, repeatedly tested and assessed by a statewide advisory group to ensure we’re providing a quality product.
  • Our infographics look awesome, summarise the key messages, are easy to share on social media and easy to store on your phone.
  • Some packages contain Just in Time Training JITT resources and videos via QR codes to give you the info you need when you need it :
    • Just scan the QR codes on your phone to see refresher videos before you go and perform that skill
  • We’ve curated great open access #FOAMed resources on paediatric topics for each Simulation, so you can deep dive into more learning before or after the Sim!


Love the simulations and want to help out?

Thanks!  We need your help to share these simulations and infographics online any way you can. Shout out to @childhealthqld @LankyTwig @Caroelearning @paedsem and @symon_ben on twitter if you’re using them!

The other thing that REALLY helps is getting good feedback.  So, if you have thoughts on them to share fill out the surveys via the QR codes in the package so we can keep making better simulations to share with the world.

If you’d like to know more, email us at

Other than that, retweet them, share them widely, and help us improve paediatric care everywhere in the world.



Sonia and the BONUS team

Dr Sonia Twigg (@LankyTwig), Dr Benjamin Symon (@symon_ben), Dr Carolina Ardino Sarmiento (@caroelearning), Dr Ben Lawton (@paedsem) Ms Louise Dodson and Mrs Tricia Pilotto.


Selected references

Case, Nicky, “How to remember anything forever-ish.:  Oct 2018.  Available at:

Cheng et al, “Resuscitation Education Science: Educational Strategies to Improve Outcomes from Cardiac Arrest; A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association.”Circulation 2018; 138: e82-e122. Available at:

Cheng et al, “Highlights from the 2018 AHA Statement on Resuscitation.” June 2018.  Available at:

Dubner S.“Freakonomics Radio.  How to become great at just about anything (Ep 244).” Apr 2016.  Available at:

Ericsson A,“Peak” Vintage 2017.


  • Emergency physician and trainee in critical care and paediatric emergency medicine. Always learning. Often playing

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2 thoughts on “Practice made perfect?”

  1. Hi all, we are having some version control issues but the most up to date version of these simulation packages (and now several more) can be found at :

    We’re thrilled to see them getting some use internationally, and would greatly appreciate if users would kindly fill out our user survey within the packages, which is the only way we know they’re being used.
    Many thanks,
    Ben Symon

  2. I am planning to rework our nursing schools pediatric simulations for fall semester. Last year, when I found your resources (pediatric sims), I was quite impressed. These are no longer available. Would you be willing to share them again?