10-year-old Elliott is brought into your emergency department after falling off his bike.
Whilst trying to escape from a gang of bullies, he went off-road, left the ground and landed awkwardly. The front wheel twisted, and the handlebars hit his belly. He is complaining of pain in the left upper quadrant.
He has been treated with intranasal fentanyl and is haemodynamically stable.
Your registrar asks if he can do a FAST exam on him.
Basic principles of the FAST exam
The Focused Abdominal Sonography for Trauma exam superseded diagnostic peritoneal lavage in the late 1980s to determine significant intra-abdominal free fluid. The actual monicker, FAST, was first used by Royzycki et al. in the mid-90s.
The FAST exam is a rapidly performed test that examines four specific areas: the right upper quadrant, the left upper quadrant, the subxiphoid region, and the pelvis. The probe wielder looks for free fluid rather than directly for solid organ injury.
It’s important to remember that the FAST exam was developed as a tool to examine haemodynamically unstable patients and determine who needed to go to the operating theatre or required a critical intervention (such as pericardiocentesis).
According to Rippey and Royce, the sensitivity of FAST in adults ranges from 64% to 98%. But…
What about in kids?
CT is considered the gold standard for examining intra-abdominal injury in children, but it is not without risk. As clinicians, we are reluctant to expose kids to needless radiation and try to act within the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Possible) principle. With an increased focus on the use of point-of-care ultrasound throughout paediatrics, it can be tempting to translate the adult approach of using the FAST scan into kids.
A couple of concerns have been raised regarding the use of FAST in children:
Not all children with abdominal injuries have free fluid
Several studies in haemodynamically stable children have found significant solid organ injuries (liver, spleen or kidney lacerations) on CT with normal bedside ultrasound. Whilst 22% of abdominal injuries in adults are not associated with free fluid, this rises to a whopping 37% in children.
A 2007 meta-analysis by Holmes et al. found an 80% sensitivity for detecting intra-peritoneal fluid via sonography. When the authors only considered the more methodologically rigorous studies, the sensitivity dropped to 66%.
The management of solid organ injuries in the paediatric population is different.
Nearly all intra-abdominal injuries in children are managed conservatively, so accurate delineation is important. Finding free fluid on sonographic assessment does not mandate going to theatre, even in the setting of haemodynamic instability.
Operative management of hepatic injuries in children has been associated with higher mortality than a conservative approach.
So what does this all mean?
CT scanning has drawbacks – it involves ionising radiation and IV contrast and is time and money-intensive compared to the FAST scan. But there is no comparison if ultrasound cannot tell us what we need to know.
Several studies showing a better correlation between CT and US do not use the FAST scan but a modified form or even complete abdominal sonography by qualified sonographers. Given that US is very much an operator-dependent imaging modality anyone using it must been trained (and accredited) in its use.
Emergency physicians may think they are amazing at performing a focused abdominal assessment and wield the probe at every opportunity ‘for practice’. This will skew the accuracy of the test. If the pre-test probability of a positive result is low in the first place, then the number of true negatives will, of course, be higher, and the accuracy of the test will appear to be higher than it actually is.
In my attempt to trawl through some of the data, I consistently came across the idea that FAST is great because it is so accurate. The only way to know this is to look at the studies comparing it with a CT. Just because you do not pick up an injury immediately does not mean that one is not there. For example, the Soudack et al. paper described three negative FAST, positive CT cases – a haemo-peritoneum, one splenic laceration, and one hepatic laceration. Because the CT did not show free fluid, these did not count as false negatives!
A positive FAST is helpful, but a negative one…not so much.
What do I do?
I am really interested in the test’s Negative Predictive Value, i.e., the chance that if my scan is negative, there is no free fluid.
Unfortunately, a negative scan, in isolation, does not tell me that there is not a significant intra-abdominal injury. In the setting of a worrying mechanism (e.g., handlebar versus spleen) with bruising and tenderness to the left upper quadrant and a NEGATIVE fast, I cannot say that the child is okay and send them home. This is my concern: that the test will stop the less astute clinician from thinking.
One has to be very wary when interpreting the literature surrounding FAST scans in paediatrics. All the scan tells you is that there is no free fluid. If the patient is haemodynamically stable and there is suspicion of an intra-abdominal injury, then the patient should have a CT.
Haemodynamically stable patients
In a haemodynamically stable patient with an unconcerning physical exam, good quality images on a comprehensive abdominal ultrasound and the ability to serially examine the patient, then a CT may not be warranted. A comprehensive abdominal ultrasound is NOT the same as FAST.
One might think that the use of ultrasound might have other benefits, but a large study by Holmes et al. in 2017 showed no alteration in the number of CT scans requested or the number of patients hospitalized or requiring surgery.
Haemodynamically unstable patients
These patients need resuscitation, often with blood products, until they are stable enough to enter the CT scanner/IR suite. A FAST scan is likely to be positive. Still, given that over 90% of intra-abdominal injuries in children are managed without going to theatre, it is unlikely to change my management.
Whilst this is clearly not a comprehensive review, any collection of data that has such a wide range of specificity needs to be considered. I could add another ten studies, and they might tighten up my spread, but in the largest trials involving ED physicians, we are just not that great.
So, the bottom line, when taken in isolation, is this best-case/worst-case scenario.
Thanks to Arun Ilancheran and Ross Fisher for pushing me down this rabbit hole.
Selected references
Ashrafi A, Heydari F, Kolahdouzan M. The Utility of Ultrasound and Laboratory Data for Predicting Intra-abdominal Injury among Children with Blunt Abdominal Trauma. International Journal of Pediatrics. 2018 Aug 1;6(8):8047-59.
Calder BW, Vogel AM, Zhang J, Mauldin PD, Huang EY, Savoie KB, Santore MT, Tsao K, Ostovar-Kermani TG, Falcone RA, Dassinger MS. Focused assessment with sonography for trauma in children after blunt abdominal trauma: A multi-institutional analysis. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2017 Aug 1;83(2):218-24.
Coley BD, Mutabagani KH, Martin LC, Zumberge N, Cooney DR, Caniano DA, Besner GE, Groner JI, Shiels WE. Focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) in children with blunt abdominal trauma. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2000 May 1;48(5):902-6.
Emery KH, McAneney CM, Racadio JM, Johnson ND, Evora DK, Garcia VF. Absent peritoneal fluid on screening trauma ultrasonography in children: a prospective comparison with computed tomography. Journal of pediatric surgery. 2001 Apr 1;36(4):565-9.
Fox JC, Boysen M, Gharahbaghian L, et al. Test characteristics of focused assessment of sonography for trauma for clinically significant abdominal free fluid in pediatric blunt abdominal trauma. Acad Emerg Med 2011; 18:477– 482.
Holmes JF, Brant WE, Bond WF, Sokolove PE, Kuppermann N. Emergency department ultrasonography in the evaluation of hypotensive and normotensive children with blunt abdominal trauma. Journal of pediatric surgery. 2001 Jul 1;36(7):968-73.
Holmes JF, Kelley KM, Wootton-Gorges SL, Utter GH, Abramson LP, Rose JS, Tancredi DJ, Kuppermann N. Effect of abdominal ultrasound on clinical care, outcomes, and resource use among children with blunt torso trauma: a randomized clinical trial. Jama. 2017 Jun 13;317(22):2290-6.
Holmes JF, Gladman A, Chang CH. Performance of abdominal ultrasonography in pediatric blunt trauma patients: a meta-analysis. Journal of pediatric surgery. 2007 Sep 1;42(9):1588-94.
Kessler DO. Abdominal Ultrasound for Pediatric Blunt Trauma: FAST Is Not Always Better. Jama. 2017 Jun 13;317(22):2283-5.
Menaker J, Blumberg S, Wisner DH, Dayan PS, Tunik M, Garcia M, Mahajan P, Page K, Monroe D, Borgialli D, Kuppermann N. Use of the focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) examination and its impact on abdominal computed tomography use in hemodynamically stable children with blunt torso trauma. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2014 Sep 1;77(3):427-32.
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Scaife ER, Rollins MD, Barnhart DC, Downey EC, Black RE, Meyers RL, Stevens MH, Gordon S, Prince JS, Battaglia D, Fenton SJ. The role of focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) in pediatric trauma evaluation. Journal of pediatric surgery. 2013 Jun 1;48(6):1377-83.
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Soudack M, Epelman M, Maor R, Hayari L, Shoshani G, Heyman‐Reiss A, Michaelson M, Gaitini D. Experience with focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) in 313 pediatric patients. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound. 2004 Feb;32(2):53-61.
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I honestly can’t remember 🙁
But when I do, you will be the first to know
Great article Andy! Could I just ask where the ‘22% of abdominal injuries in adults are not associated with free fluid this rises to a whopping 37% in children’ reference comes from? I’ve tried to look in the references supplied but can’t find it.