Liz Stokoe is a Professor of Social Interaction at Loughborough University. She uses conversation analysis to understand how talk works and she is also an author of Talk: The Science of Conversation.
In healthcare, patients and doctors are constantly faced with difficult decision-making scenarios, but how do we best approach it? Liz takes us on a journey to learn how much we are all pushed and pulled by language and gives us a glimpse of the engine that drives our lives. You can follow her on Twitter at @LizStokoe
Everyone agrees that communication is important … right up to the point of studying it scientifically. My talk will introduce conversation analysis as a method for identifying effective and less effective communication in settings of all kinds. I will show why it is important to base communication guidance, training, and assessment, on studies of real talk, not simulated or experimentally-produced talk. And I’ll myth-bust common misconceptions about how we talk.
Liz Stokoe
This talk was recorded live at DFTB19 in London, England. With the theme of “The Journey” we wanted to consider the journeys our patients and their families go on, both metaphorical and literal. DFTB20 will be held in Brisbane, Australia.
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