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Late effects in oncology: Erica Donovan at DFTB19


Erica Donovan rounded out our session on paediatric oncology with this talk about the late effects of paediatric cancers. When we think of cancer we think about making the diagnosis, the chemotherapy, the radiotherapy, the operations. Very rarely do we think of the impact of an essentially chronic disease that has taken a chunk of someone’s childhood away from them.

In her job as a paediatric oncology nurse, she has asked many, many patients exactly what matters to them. She introduces us to Te Whare Tapa Wha (the four-sided house) as a framework for considering the long term needs of her patients.


Doodle Medicine sketch by @char_durand 


This talk was recorded live at DFTB19 in London, England. With the theme of  “The Journey” we wanted to consider the journeys our patients and their families go on, both metaphorical and literal.

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