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Inequalities in Healthcare : Andrew McDonald at DFTB18


Dr Andrew McDonald worked as a paediatrician for many years before entering the world of politics. In his years as Shadow Minister for Health he continued to practice one day a week. In both roles he saw the impact that socio-economic status has on health and continues to do what he can to make difference. Why should those that need access to excellent health care not be afforded more healthcare resources? If you can afford to pay you can get in to see a private paediatrician in a week but if you are relying on the public system it is a matter of months. Andrew McDonald challenges the audience to think on this, and who they are really helping.

It can be hard to stand up to the status quo but if you are serious about helping people you must.


This talk was recorded live at DFTB18 in Melbourne, Australia. With the theme of ‘Science and Story’ we pushed our speakers to step out of their comfort zones and consider why we do what we do. Caring for children is not just about acquiring the scientific knowhow but also about taking a look beyond a diagnosis or clinical conundrum at the patient and their families. Tickets for DFTB19, which will be held in London, UK, are now on sale from


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