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High Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygen: Franz Babl at DFTB18


Given that DFTB18 was held in Melbourne it was important to highlight the work of PREDICT (the Paediatric Research In Emergency Department International Collaborative)* This talk, by Franz Babl, centred around the management of bronchiolitis and focussed on the recent PARIS trial.

Ben Lawton took a closer look at the trial here and you can see the infographic we developed to go with the paper below.

You can find the paper here.

So what does the expert think? Here is A/Professor Franz Babl from the Melbourne stage.

Selected references

O’Brien S, Borland ML, Cotterell E, Armstrong D, Babl F, Bauert P, Brabyn C, Garside L, Haskell L, Levitt D, McKay N. Australasian bronchiolitis guideline. Journal of paediatrics and child health. 2019 Jan;55(1):42-53.

Haskell L, Tavender EJ, Wilson C, O’Brien S, Babl FE, Borland ML, Cotterell L, Schuster T, Orsini F, Sheridan N, Johnson D. Implementing evidence-based practices in the care of infants with bronchiolitis in Australasian acute care settings: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled study. BMC pediatrics. 2018 Dec;18(1):218.

Schlapbach LJ, Straney L, Gelbart B, Alexander J, Franklin D, Beca J, Whitty JA, Ganu S, Wilkins B, Slater A, Croston E. Burden of disease and change in practice in critically ill infants with bronchiolitis. European Respiratory Journal. 2017 Jun 1;49(6):1601648.

*COI – Both Ben and Andy have done or are doing work under the auspices of PREDICT

This talk was recorded live at DFTB18 in Melbourne, Australia. With the theme of ‘Science and Story‘ we pushed our speakers to step out of their comfort zones and consider why we do what we do. Caring for children is not just about acquiring the scientific knowhow but also about taking a look beyond a diagnosis or clinical conundrum at the patient and their families.

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