In just a few short days we will be hosting our first virtual conference, DFTB Live + Connected. If you haven’t checked out the program yet then head over to There is still time to get a ticket and support DFTB.
The conference proper starts at 0600 UK / 0800 KENYA / 1500 SYDNEY / 1700 FIJI / 0100 NY
Our Bubble Wrap Live panel is hosted by Damian Roland, and comprises of the talented :-
- Ben Wachira
- Dani Hall
- Simon Craig
- Alison Boast
To give you a head start and allow you to join in the conversation at #DFTBLive here are the papers they are going to discuss.
Ben Wachira
Wells, M. and Goldstein, L.N., 2019. Optimising emergency weight estimation in underweight and obese children: the accuracy of estimations of total body weight and ideal body weight. European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 26(4), pp.301-307.
Dani Hall
Simon Craig
Alison Boast
Tran P, Dowell E, Hamilton S, Dolan SA, Messacar K, Dominguez SR, Todd J. Two blood cultures with age-appropriate volume enhance suspected sepsis decision-making. InOpen Forum Infectious Diseases 2020 Feb (Vol. 7, No. 2, p. ofaa028). US: Oxford University Press.