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Adolescence: Russell Viner at DFTB19


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Russell Viner is the President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. Whilst politics has consumed a large part of his working week his day job, and principle interest is in adolescent health.  To some of us, adolescents can seem as alien as neonates, with their own language, their own pathology, and their own needs. In this talk from the final day of DFTB19 he reminds us that teenagers are one of the great underserved populations in paediatrics – they are too old for most paediatricians and too young for adult physicians.



©Ian Summers



#doodlemedicine sketch by @char_durand


This talk was recorded live at DFTB19 in London, England. With the theme of  “The Journey” we wanted to consider the journeys our patients and their families go on, both metaphorical and literal.

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1 thought on “Adolescence: Russell Viner at DFTB19”

  1. Excellent talk. Getting behind a teenagers eyes and seeing things the way they do it great advice. Being their advocates but treating them with requests will more than likely empower them and not alienate them.
    With my interest in diabetes and in adolescent medicine I found this most useful.
    Great to also see the queen photo bombing a picture!