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A future towards zero: Warwick Teague at DFTB18


This talk was recorded live at DFTB18 in Melbourne, Australia. With the theme of ‘Science and Story’ we pushed our speakers to step out of their comfort zones and consider why we do what we do. Caring for children is not just about acquiring the scientific knowhow but also about taking a look beyond a diagnosis or clinical conundrum at the patient and their families. Tickets for DFTB19, which will be held in London, UK, are now on sale from

Warwick Teague is a passionate man. His aim in life is simple, to make himself unemployed. As the Director of Trauma at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital he knows all to well the burden of preventable disease that rolls through the door every single day.


So how can you be that person? How can you make a difference, either at work or at home? You can play safe at home and encourage responsible use of play equipment. You can advocate for changes in legislation surrounding the use of ATVs. You can make sure newborns are taken home in appropriate restraints. As Warwick would say, “Be bold“.

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  • The house-elves are still hard at work, copying, pasting, and occasionally weaving a little magic!


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